4 Things I Am Thankful for This Thanksgiving

Every fourth Thursday in November family and friends come together to overindulge in mac and cheese and fight over the last dinner roll. Somewhere in the midst of this blissful chaos, they may go around the table and state what they are most thankful for. While I believe that we should live in a state of thankfulness every day of our lives, it is nice to have one day set aside to remind us that we have so much to appreciate.  In preparation for tomorrow’s ritual, I sat down and made a short list of things I am most thankful for this year.

  1. Overcoming Self-Doubt & Self-Handicapping

      This year I asked God to help me get out of my own way and wholeheartedly pursue my dreams and goals. Being a perfectionist, I tend to get discouraged when I feel that I am not  reaching my goals in my specified timeline. In 2016, I learned to trust God and myself by accepting that everything I need to succeed, I have already been equipped with. Starting this blog is the biggest evidence of my progress. If you had told me 5 years ago that I would be a fashion and lifestyle blogger sharing my life with others I would’ve told you that you were crazy! I realize now that I have a lot to offer the world and want to use my story to encourage others to follow their dreams.

  1. World Wide Woman

     2016 was the official start of my wanderlust. Once I had my passport in hand, I couldn’t wait to start filling its pages. My journey started in Italy where I studied abroad for 1 month. After I returned home, I spent one week resting up before traveling with my family for our annual family reunion vacation. We spent time in Jamaica, the Cayman Islands, and Mexico. Each destination was so beautiful. I can’t wait to see where I go in 2017. Time to start planning my post-graduation trip.

  1. She Grind from Monday to Friday, Work from Friday to Sunday

     Senior year has been the most hectic year of my undergraduate experience. From moving off campus and commuting to UCLA for classes, working 9am-6pm at my internship, balancing a job and running my blog part time, I have not stopped moving since the quarter has begun. I am thankful that God has given me the stamina to balance all my commitments and not letting my labors come back void. The handwork is already beginning to pay off; I have been offered another internship for next quarter at Lionsgate Entertainment! Even though I get tired, I know it is a blessing to be busy. Like my mom used to tell me “you can sleep when you are dead.”

  1. Family Matters

     Every day that I wake up I thank God that I have a very supportive and loving family. We are by no means perfect and just like all families we can get on each others’ nerves. However, at the end of the day, we choose to love in spite of it all. The older I get, the more I appreciate my parents and how they raised me and my siblings. God knew what he was doing when he gave me my sister and brother. No matter what I am going through they can put a smile on my face. Without my family, I wouldn’t be who I am today and I am thankful for them so much.

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?