Jade Roller: A Must-Have or Hype?

I’m sure by now you’ve seen a jade roller on your insta or Pinterest feed. If your initial reaction was “oh great another beauty trend to buy into” believe me I hear you sis! But, and this is a big BUT, this is one trend you should actually consider.

Jade rollers are not as new as you think. The use of jade rollers has been part of Chinese beauty practices since ancient times. They have recently found their way into the mainstream over the last year with the boom of the skincare industry. Its easy to find affordable options like this one and this one at your favorite skincare or beauty store.

What Does A Jade Roller Actually Do?

It’s believed that jade rolling helps get rid of excess fluid in your lymphatic system through a process called lymphatic drainage. This helps to reduce swelling, and increase circulation while also reducing tension and diminishing fine lines. One extra perk of using a jade roller is that if used right after applying serums and facial oils, the jade roller can help promote better absorption of the products. I recently added jade rolling to my nighttime routine and found that the next morning my eyes and cheeks appear less puffy and tired.

jade roller

How to Use

To use your jade roller, first apply your favorite serum or face oil. Use the larger end of the roller to roll gently along your cheeks 3-5 times. Roll outward from the center of your face towards your ear. Using the smaller end, roll gently around and under your eyes. For an extra soothing sensation, put your roller in the fridge to chill prior to use.

Want to more info? Check out this video from one of my favorite YouTubers for a full demonstration, @LipsticknCurls.

Happy Rolling!