Manifestation 101: Is It Real? Does It Work?

It’s January. Time for everyone to post their vision board parties and resolutions. Self help gurus are insisting they can teach you how to achieve the life you have always wanted. A keyword in both scenarios is manifestation. It seems odd that people would believe some magazine clippings on a poster board or a journal entry are the answer to their problems. YouTube is filled with countless videos on manifestation, promising to deliver you everything from thousands of dollars to your soulmate. But can living a better life really be that simple? Mmmm…yes and no. Let me try to break it down how I understand it.

What is Manifestation?

Manifestation simply means to bring something to light or make it evident. That’s it. When people talk about manifesting what they are saying is that you have the power to make your goals happen. But not in a magical genie, grant you 3 wishes type of way. It’s a bit more divine than that. You don’t have to be spiritual to believe in the power of manifesting. However if you are then you already have the language and background to understand it. As a Christian woman, I view manifestation as an act of faith. Manifestation is as simple as believing that God can and will bring you what you ask for (as long as it is in accordance with His will for you.)

Philippians 4:6 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition and with Thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

Does It Work?

It did for me! Two years ago I was working at one of the biggest talent agencies in Hollywood. Although I was happy to have a job in my desired field, I was unhappy with my lack of work life balance. I knew that since I want to be a TV writer my next step should be to work as an assistant in a writers’ room. But I didn’t want to work on just any TV show. I wanted to work on a show created by the person I admired most in the industry at the time: Lena Waithe. I came home, wrote a journal entry about my desire, said a prayer over it and went to sleep. Time went by and I completely forgot about that journal entry. I had faith that something positive would happen even though I was still stuck in a job I didn’t like. A few months later, a job opened up on one of Lena’s shows. I applied and was hired in less than 36 hours. May 2019 I started the job and met Lena for the very first time.

Did I manifest this job? Yes I did! And countless other things prior and since then! Each time I have set my mind on manifesting a particular outcome, I have acknowledged the desire, set my heart in faith, believed that God could deliver on it, then stepped back to let Him do just that. Whether you believe in God or some other power (i.e.the universe) understand that you are more powerful than you think.

What have you manifested in your life? What are you actively trying to manifest now?

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