4 Easy Ways to Jumpstart Your Fitness Journey

A few months ago I walked into my doctor’s office for my annual checkup. Like always the nurse took me to the back before my exam to write down my vital information. She told me to step on the scale and I have to admit I was a little shocked by what the screen read. Let’s be real, I know that I’ve gained weight. Once I started my full-time job, I stopped working out consistently and ate whatever was convenient regardless of its nutritional value. But I hadn’t realized that I’d allow my weight to change so much. I’ve always been naturally curvy, carrying the majority of my weight in my hips and waist area so the only indicator I had of my weight gain was the need for a larger pants size (but what girl doesn’t love that).

When I spoke to my doctor she encouraged me to get better at regulating my weight while I am young to prevent bigger health issues later on. So that’s exactly what I plan to do and I need all of you to keep me accountable. If you’re like me and need to get better at maintaining an active lifestyle, here are 4 ways you can  jumpstart your fitness journey:
    1. Schedule Your Workout-My goal is not just to lose weight but to create a total lifestyle change. In order to do that I need to alter my daily routine. Scheduling a time to work out just like I schedule every other aspect of my life will help me stay consistent. For the last 3 weeks, I’ve been waking up at 5 am to workout before heading to work. Working out in the morning is best for me because when I get home in the evenings all I want to do is eat dinner, dress for bed and watch old episodes of Girlfriends.
    2. Switch It Up– Working out the same way repeatedly can get boring really quickly. Switch it up often to get your workouts exciting. I like to workout in the gym, at the park and take fun workout classes like kickboxing and yoga. Find 2-3 workout activities that you like and alternate them.
    3. Buy Cute Workout Gear– We all know that when you look good, you feel good. There is a reason that “athleisure” has become a booming subset of fashion. The materials used for workout gear have a way of sculpting your frame like nothing else in this world. Stock up on cute matching sets and comfortable shoes!
    4. Create a Motivating Playlist– There’s nothing worse than getting to the gym and realizing that you forgot your headphones at home. Music really helps get you excited to move and can help motivate you to stick it out during a particularly tough workout. Find an upbeat playlist on Spotify or Apple Music that works for you and pump it out.

Let’s meet these goals together!
