Press On Nails to Make You Consider Never Getting Acrylics Again

press on nails

Long nails are a blessing not all of us are born with. I’ve always had weak nails that break before I can see any meaningful length. When my nails are growing, I usually end up biting them off. So what do you do when you want nice, long nails but genetics or your own bad habits won’t let you be great? Well, if you are like me, you invest in a good set of press on nails. 

I know what you are thinking! But hear me out! Press on nails have come a long way from what they used to be. There’s so many different styles and options out there. And if you really do some research, you can find press on nail sets that are so good you can’t tell they aren’t acrylic. 

I personally prefer press-on nails for convenience. It’s super easy to just pop them on and off whenever you want. You don’t have to worry about them damaging your natural nails and when applied properly they can even help make your nails grow. But what about the style of the nails? Like I said, there are press on nail sets out there that look just as amazing as the acrylics done by your favorite nail tech. And the bonus, these kits have a cheaper price point then you typical acrylic install and bi weekly fills. Still don’t believe me? That’s fine! I’ll show you. Here are 6 press on nail sets to make you consider never getting acrylic nails again. 

Caviar- Static Nails

Love Affair Pink Marble- The Nailest 

Instant Glam Silky Matte Red- The Nailest

Custom Press Ons- Dime Nails LA (dm IG page to order)

Need tips on how to apply your nails and make them last for up to 2 weeks? Check out my tutorial below!