The Balancing Act

Let me tell you, this week things got real. Whew chile! It was my first week back to work and it was a lot! I feel for everyone who has had to contend with zoom meetings and conference calls since the beginning of quarantine. Even with me living alone, the work from home atmosphere is still an adjustment. I have been on hiatus from my job since December so throughout all of the COVID-19 stay at home orders, I have been able to live a pretty carefree life. Now that I have to officially clock back in and out of work, it’s time for me to get used to the balancing act all over again. 

I’m sure many of you can relate to the reality of always having a million balls in the air at once. We’re trying to succeed at work while having multiple side hustles and maintaining healthy relationships. That all takes a concerted amount of effort. We feel like we can’t let a single ball drop. Right now my life looks like showing up every day to work and trying my best to be a good assistant on the TV show I’m working on while also posting consistently on my blog and Youtube channel. Add on top of that spending time with my family and making sure I’m working out and eating right. Oh and let’s not forget finding time to read my Bible, meditate and read one book a month.

The truth is for the next few weeks, I probably will be off balance. I didn’t have any groceries in my house until a few hours ago because I didn’t have time to stop and go to the store. I didn’t have time to record a Youtube video because I was on Zoom all day so there won’t be a new video to go live tomorrow. And at first I was beating myself up for not keeping those balls in rotation. But then I realized when we are juggling our focus isn’t necessarily on every single ball with equal weight. We prioritize the ball falling from the air over the ball in our hand even if only for a second. Likewise, it’s okay if we have to prioritize one area of our life over another for a while.

This week, I relied on takeout dinners and had to sacrifice my consistency streak on Youtube. And that’s ok! At this time, that’s what needs to happen in order for me to maintain balance in other areas. Pretty soon I’ll be adjusted to the work from home life and manage my time well enough to produce Youtube content  and cook healthy meals for myself at the same time. Let’s learn to give ourselves grace when our stability gets a little tried. After all, the art of juggling is in the timing.